
Change the size, weight, and other font properties of the text.

The default font is Verdana, which has a good letter spacing.
With font-size of 15px and a line-spacing 1.5.

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5

Heading 6

Font Family Classes

Variable Value
ss-sans sans-serif
ss-serif serif
ss-cursive cursive
ss-monospace monospace

Headings Font Size

Heading Value
H1 36px
H2 30px
H3 24px
H4 20px
H5 18px
H6 16px

Font Size Classes

Variable Value
ss-tiny 10px
ss-small 12px
ss-medium 15px
ss-large 18px
ss-xlarge 24px
ss-xxlarge 36px
ss-xxxlarge 48px
ss-jumbo 64px